Our latest trip to New York City took place in October 2004. This was a rather non-touristy, laid back trip that we undertook, low on sights and high on ambience. We were joined by our hosts, the Chunangad family - my childhood friend Krishnan, his wife Raji, and son Aditya. Here are the pictures from that trip. We start the day by taking the PATH train from Hoboken, NJ to Herald Square/33rd Street station in Manhattan. Outside Radio City where we arrived by bus M5 from 33rd Street. Walking east along 50th Street to... Rockefeller Center, and... St. Patrick's Cathedral. Too impatient to wait for bus M27/50, we walk down to the United Nations for Meenakshi's first visit here. Meenakshi and Raji get to go on the tour while Krishnan and I baby sit. The Security Council (left) and General Assembly (right) of the United Nations, as seen by Meenakshi. Outside the United Nations. The visit to the UNO completed, we take bus M42 to ... Grand Central Station, where we stop for lunch - pizza and cheesecake! Outside City Hall, where we have arrived by subway 4/5/6 from Grand Central. Pronoy, checking out the Big Apple... From City Hall, we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, something that I had always wanted to do. The Brooklyn Bridge provides some of the most glorious views of Lower East Side. Of course, the human eye perceives much better than my camera... On the Staten Island Ferry. We arrived at Bowling Green by subway and then walked to Pier 5 on Whitehall Street to catch the ferry to Staten Island and back. The Staten Island ferry is supposed to provide the best views of New York harbor. The above is a poor specimen of a view of The Statue of Liberty.